About Renting an Espresso Machine

We deliver our professional espresso machine complete with grinder, filter carriers, a tamper, milk jugs, a fresh water tank, a drain tank, a water pump, a knock box and cleaning materials. The Italian espresso machine is equipped with a steam pipe, so your barista can pour the most beautiful latte art. Preparing coffee with our espresso machine does require some experience. The coffee machine is perfect for use at an office, cafe, restaurant, hotel, resort, public facility, conference or trade shows. The espresso machine only needs a separate power supply and will be delivered with water tanks and a drain tank. If desired, we can supply complete coffee packages including cups, roasted coffee beans, sugar, milk, syrups, sauces, chocolates and tea. So your barista can immediately start making delicious coffee!.

Hire a Professional Barista

In case you don’t have an experienced barista available, we have a large group of nice baristas who love to serve the coffee for your guests. We work together with young and driven barista who are truly passionate about coffee.

  • An experienced barista serves approximately 150 drinks per hour per machine.
  • Dimension
  • Our espresso machine needs a desk (at least 150cm W x 60cm D.)
  • Power Requirement
  • 1 Separate power supply 16A / 230V. (Water tanks and a drain tank are included.)
  • Astoria Tanya
  • CMA
  • VBM Lollo